Maven Projekt mit JDK 1.6 kompilieren

Die Standard Compiler Einstellung für Maven ist das JDK 1.4 . Da sogar Java 1.5 das End of Life schon lange erreicht hat, wollen die meisten ihr Projekt wohl mit Java 1.6 kompilieren.

Um Maven dazu zu bringen das JDK 1.6 zum kompilieren, benutzt man einfach das maven-compiler-plugin. Hier ein Beispiel aus meiner pom.xml:


Add JBoss Repository to Nexus

JBoss changed its Repository URL, so our Nexus Repository Manager was not able to download the newest Hibernate Version (3.5.1-Final). Although the old JBoss Repository is readable and searchable we had problems downloading the .jar files. We changed the URL to the new JBoss Repository URL and everything worked fine again.

This is the new URL:

[m2eclipse] Start Eclipse with JDK instead of JRE

If you install the m2eclipse Plugin for the  Maven Integration in Eclipse, this Error could possibly be shown in the Eclipse console:

Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required
Some Maven plugins may not work when importing projects or updating source folders.

If you have this issue, you should edit your eclipse.ini and add the following lines (on a Windows System) :


Now your Eclipse should use the JDK to run with and the m2eclipse plugin should be happy.