MQTT presentation at the Global IoT Day 2015 in Vienna

I recently gave a talk about „Pub / Sub for the masses – An introduction to MQTT“ in Vienna at the Global Iot Day 2015 Event. It was a very short talk and I only covered the most important aspects of MQTT.

It’s available on Youtube and you can see it in full length below. Unfortunately the microphone had a loose contact, so I apologize for the bad sound. The audience had some great questions afterwards, so make sure to watch the whole video. Enjoy!

The slides are also available on Slideshare, you can see it below:

All you need to know about MQTT

If you are interested in IoT and particularly in MQTT, you should check out the MQTT Essentials blog post series on the HiveMQ blog. For convenience, here is the full list of all MQTT Essentials parts:

Every Monday is MQTT Monday at the HiveMQ blog, so a fresh new blog post about MQTT is available every Monday. I’m excited to see what’s coming next!